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 Museu de Arte do Rio



Contribute towards MAR's mission, which is to promote a transversal reading of the city of Rio de Janeiro's history, its social fabric, symbolic life, conflicts, contradictions, challenges, and social expectations.



We coordinated the production of several exhibitions that combine historical and contemporary dimensions of art, through long and short-term showings, in addition to inscribing art in public education through the Escola do Olhar, a school with a museum and, at the same time, a museum with a school.

Humanize was responsible for Production Coordination of the exhibitions


“POROROCA - A AMAZÔNIA NO MAR”, with around 500 objects from over 50 donors, is today the most complete collection of its kind outside the region;


“ZONA DE POESIA ÁRIDA”, a collection of more than 55 works by art and activism collectives;


“HÁ ESCOLAS QUE SÃO GAIOLAS E HÁ ESCOLAS QUE SÃO ASAS”, integrating the Art and Society Program at Brazil 2, including works of art, documents, and educational projects that debate the meanings of education and the place we call school.


“GUIGNARD E O ORIENTE, entre Rio e Minas”, between Rio and Minas”, is under the curatorship of Priscila Freire, Marcelo Campos, and Paulo Herkenhoff, in continuation of the curatorial program of historiographical interest.  It’s composed of samples that review narratives of art history in order to problematize their possible simplifications and activate their critical dimension. The “HOMEM DO NORDESTE MUSEUM” (MHN), whose proposal was based on a continuous approximation of the territories of relations— as well as territorial relations —that have constituted these “northeastern men”, or the “Northeast of men”

The project has directly contributed towards the SDGs:


3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages;
4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all;
10. Reduce inequality within and among countries;
11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable;
12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns



Produção Nacional e Internacional

Multi Linguagem




Curatorship, National and International Production Multi-Language

The Serviço Social do Comércio is a private Brazilian institution that’s maintained by businesspeople in the trading of goods, services, and tourism with operations nationwide. Through multilingual curatorship and specialized executive and artistic production, Humanize contributes towards SESC's mission, which is the democratization of citizens' access to cinema, theater, concerts, museums, and libraries. We aid by intertwining entertainment and fun with education to promote quality culture and help in the playful education of millions of Brazilians.


Through our partnership with Sesc, we promote countless shows, festivals, and gatherings on popular themes related to our multiple national cultures, realities, and societies. Most of Sesc's cultural attractions are free and tour places that generally don't receive commercial circuits. In addition, we teach the making of Culture through courses, workshops, and lectures that self-multiply in units across the country, serving thousands of people over 10+ years of partnership.


  • Over 250 attractions hired on;

  • Performances in 23 Brazilian municipalities;

  • Production of national and international artists;

  • Multilingual curatorship in theater, circus, dance, literature, music, and visual arts;

  • Over 1,500 people directly hired as part of the technical team  of the activities


Perto do Poeta



Promote an International Cultural Artistic Exchange, focusing on active participation in the field of words (whether spoken by amateurs or professionals), in the world of literature (poets, literary writers), or in the world of popular entertainment (singers, composers, comedians, or rappers).


An international cultural contest was held selecting artists from Holland, Cabo Verde, and Brazil, among them poets, rappers, and composers. These artists were invited to perform in the Brazilian cities of Santos and São Paulo, where the cultural artistic exchange was held. Partnership between Humanize Produções, RAEN Music, Centro Cultural Rio Verde, Escola Popular de Arte e Cultura Plínio Marcos, Instituto Arte no Dique, and the Dutch Culture Participation Fund was essential for the event to be held.


The presentations and workshops held in Santos and São Paulo were fundamental for a better mutual understanding of Cabo Verdean, Dutch, and Brazilian cultures, and for both the selected artists and the participating public to experience humanity’s universal connection through art.


The Dutch Culture Participation Fund

The project has directly contributed towards the SDGs:


4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all;
11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable;
17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

Feature film documentary Caranguejo do Mangue

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Portray the 10 years of Ponto de Cultura Arte no Dique, highlighting its relevance to the community, as well as the importance of this fundamental public policy. Dique da Vila Gilda is located in the northwest area of ​​Santos and comprises one of the largest slums on stilts in the country, sprawling over 6 km in length and housing more than 20,000 people in extreme social vulnerability.


The film used participatory video techniques, the casting and cast preparation took place in the community itself. Opting for the docudrama allowed the script to be elaborated based on the community's reports and a dialogue was established that respected both its reality and its peculiarities, portraying the construction of this Ponto de Cultura. Its founder, who had been a producer at Olodum, in Bahia, contributed to Santos the musicality and strength of percussion and was supported by artists such as Gilberto Gil, Moraes Moreira, Margareth Menezes, Jorge Mautner, Olodum, Armandinho and others; ever-present pillars in the NGO’s activities, also appearing in the documentary.


The film premiered at CineRoxy in Santos, and was shown in several cinemas such as CineSabesp and CineSesc in São Paulo, and at festivals and other cultural displays. In addition to the film, two video clips were produced, an exchange with the Olodum creative school that took young people to play in Salvador's carnival, and audiovisual and cultural production workshops in the community. Approved by the Audiovisual Law. Support from Sabesp and the São Paulo State Government.






Offer circus activities in places with few or no cultural facilities available, in particularly vulnerable communities.


The PalhAssentar a Terra project presented the show “Somos Chromosomos/WE are Chromosomes” in 9 municipalities, touring between settlements, schools, university visits, gazebos, and squares in rural regions of the State of São Paulo, contemplating the population with presentations of the show, clowning, and conversation circles called “Papo de Picadeiro”, which aimed to expand space for discussion and exchange.


The activities served approximately 2,400 people, including children, adults, and the elderly. Presentations for the the MST (Landless Workers Movement) were held in the common areas of each community (plazas, parks) due to the large number of families living in places with little or no access to centralized cultural productions in large capitals, in addition to the possibility of joining together movements that occupy resistance territories and that are part of the large portion of the population considered a minority and invisible. The show “Somos Cromosomos” was originally created in 2014 in the city of Barcelona, ​​Spain, by a group of artists of different nationalities based on comedy skits using the Jacques Lecoq Physical Theater methodology. The piece was assembled for the Clown Chromosomes Expedition to refugee camps in Western Sahara, Algeria, with support from Payasos Sin Fronteras (Clowns Without Borders).  The project won the Proac Circus Award in 2017.

The project has directly contributed towards the SDGs:


3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages;
4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all;
10. Reduce inequality within and among countries;
11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.


São Paulo

+55 (11) 98690-0129 | 94374-6748


+351 912 568 940

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